Friday, March 9, 2012

New Emo Look, Same Bat Place

Hooray! I'm no longer boring! I spent my entire day searching for new templates that would suit my personality and subject matter, as I don't like the templates that blogspot offers. I finally found a cute one, a little emo, true. But then, so am I. And it's cute cuz the skull has wings. And my nickname for Passion Parties used to be Emo Angel. :) Oh, good times.

Anyway, this template came from Templates Block. Very cool, and with lots of options. And I'm totally up for giving credit to the site for giving templates away free, but I LOVE that their little "created by" note on the website itself isn't super in your face. Anywho. That's really all. I just was excited that now my blog looks nice. And now, for something completely different...

Litsy Leopard, on 16-count aida. ©2010


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